About Us

Learn More About Our Professional Exterior Cleaning Team

Radiant Exterior Cleaning prides itself on Honest hard work and professionalism; we are a locally owned and operated business by Richard McAnally; Richard has been servicing the greater Huntsville, AL, area for 15+ years and is an experienced tradesman with years of training and experience, licensed and insured. Your home's beauty and safety are our biggest concern; I look forward to working with you to make your home look radiant! "It's your time to shine!". Give us a call at 256-508-1455 to schedule a consult. 

Professional Cleaning Services

Pressure Washing

Concrete, Pavers, & Brick

Unlike many home DIY-ers, our Pressure Washing Service offers safe and effective trained cleaning practices designed to clean/remove mold & mildew that can be potentially harmful and dangerous around the home, unsightly and unsatisfactory. Take a load off, and let us do the work for you.

Soft Washing

The last thing you want is a leak in your home,

Soft washing is a less abrasive and highly effective cleaning method for surfaces such as vinyl soffits, siding, gutters, wood siding, roofs, etc.

Roof Cleaning

It's not old. It's just mold.

We actually have safe and effective ways to clean Asphalt shingle roofs and painted roofs, from brushing off pine needles and Moss to treating the Moss that has dangerously grown between shingles, possibly causing leaks, brightening & renewing the appearance of darkened roofs caused by Gloeocapsa Magma.

Decks & Fence Cleaning

Brighten and restore old, faded, and moldy decks and fences with our top-of-the-line cleaning methods and materials with low-pressure application and serious results.

Gutter Clean Out & Gutter Brightening.

Cleaning out those gutters protects your home or business from leaks. Keeping them cleaned out will also cut down on pest problems. Tiger striping caused by a chemical reaction from the roof's materials can be reduced or removed safely without repainting.

Oxidation Removal

Oxidation caused by harmful UV rays can be eliminated with Specialty Products designed to enhance and restore faded metal roofs, vinyl siding, and other surfaces.

Efflorescence Removal

Efflorescence is a crystalline deposit of salts that can form on the surface of building materials like concrete, brick, stone, and stucco. It has a white or grayish tint and can appear powdery on floors or walls.

Mud & Rust Removal

With pressure and Specialty Chemicals, stubborn red clay and rust stains can be safely and effectively reduced and or removed with our industry-leading cleaning methods.

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